Sangue Frio Produções

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DEEP MEMORIES: Resenha de “Rebuilding the Future” no site norte-americano Doomed To Darkness Webzine

“A very dark and heavy sound starts off the album along with some goth style synths a few seconds later while the slower sections of the songs are influenced by doom metal as well as the riffs also using a decent amount of melody and the vocals are a mixture of death metal growls and screams that add in a touch of black metal.

A couple of the tracks are very long and epic in length while clear vocals and spoken word parts can also be heard at times along with the solos and leads being done in a very melodic style as well as one track also adding clean playing onto the recording and at times the music gets very progressive and the album closes with an instrumental.”

Resenha originalmente publicada EM INGLÊS pelo site norte-americano Doomed To Darkness Webzine:

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